Generous Gin Azur 40% 700ml

Generous Gin Azur 40% 700ml

Generous Gin Azur 40% 700ml

Regular price $111.99

Generous Azur is a new fresh, sophisticated and floral gin inspired by the fragrances and eternal blue skies of the mythical Côte d'Azur. It was designed to be unanimous in both connoisseurs and casual consumers. By combining seductive packaging, a beach lifestyle brand universe evocative for consumers 25 35 H/F, a taste with complex flavours, Generous Azur has all the assets to be a success thanks to a reasonable price positioning.

Tasting Notes:

COLOUR: Shiny liquid surface; Color of colourless dress and Bright; Tears present particularly fat.

NOSE: Powerful, beautiful 'rising' complex with the citrus of the Mediterranean basin, violet fragrances and sensitive hints of Basil. 

Beautiful cocktail of ripe citrus fruits with straight and complex floral notes.

TASTE: Powerful, structured and particularly aromatic; Fresh violet flavours, notes of basil and blood oranges. A final with the rise of orange bitter

CONCLUSION: Beautiful set combining complexity and balanced sweetness.

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