Massenez Green Mint Liqueur 20% 700ml
Massenez Green Mint Liqueur 20% 700ml
Massenez Green Mint Liqueur 20% 700ml is a premium liqueur crafted with the finest ingredients to create a refreshing and invigorating drink. This 700ml bottle is filled with a perfect blend of fresh mint leaves and pure cane sugar, which gives it a smooth and silky texture.
At 20% ABV, this liqueur has a bright green color and a fresh aroma that is reminiscent of freshly picked mint. On the palate, it is both sweet and refreshing, with a bright and lively mint flavor that lingers on the tongue.
Massenez Green Mint Liqueur is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed in many ways. It can be sipped neat or over ice, or used as a base for a variety of cocktails. Try adding a splash to your favorite hot chocolate or coffee for a delicious and warming treat.